XADO engine - anti-wear oil additive - AMC Maximum
09:00 – 15:30
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09:00 – 15:30
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Everyday operation of an engine inevitably leads to signs of wear over time, for example on the metal surfaces in the cylinder.
The result is loss of compression and increased oil consumption.
XADO offers a remedy in the form of an intelligent oil additive package.
It enables worn metal surfaces to be restored by building up a metal-ceramic layer.
This is formed at the points where high pressure and temperatures occur due to friction.
The compression in the engine is thus brought back to the target values and the oil consumption due to the burning of the oil also decreases again.
The formation of the metal-ceramic layer works by creating a new surface connection between the additive atoms and the metal atoms on the surfaces that rub against each other in the engine.
Atoms not only have the property of separating (wear and tear) but also the ability to form new connections with each other (reconstruction).
Only the conditions (temperature and pressure) have to be right.
Above a certain value, the formation of the layer stops (self-regulating) by itself.
This layer also cannot flake off or the particles that lead to the formation of the metal-ceramic layer cannot clog anything.
The metal-ceramic coating formed by Revitalizant protects the engine parts even after the oil change.
Overview of the additive package:
Restores worn surfaces by forming a metal-ceramic layer in areas in the engine where friction causes high pressure and temperatures.
Reduces friction losses to an absolute minimum.
Protects the engine against the breakage of the oil film and thus prevents additional wear.
Benefits of revitalizing with 1 stage maximum:
Innovative 3-component* product of the latest nano generation.
Combines the advantages of the two-phase metal conditioner with those of the revitalizant.
The advantage of metal conditioner with Revitalizant is the after-effect: the metal-ceramic coating formed by Revitalizant protects the engine parts even after the oil change.
Attention! Not intended for use in internal combustion engines with a special hardening coating on the cylinders (ALUSIL, LOKASIL, NIKASIL, GALNIKAL) because the material required to form a stable metal-ceramic layer is missing.
1 bottle of the atomic metal conditioner Maximum (225 ml) for 3…5 L oil; 2 bottles – for 5…10 L oil; 3 – for 10…15 L oil etc.
Metal conditioner is added once to the engine oil, starting from 1 bottle (225 ml) to 4-6 liters of engine oil.
Bottle in a cardboard box 225 ml, item number: XA 43212
23 Serpnia Gasse, 4, 61103 Charkiw, Ukraine
Tel.: +38 (057) 717-55-55
E-Mail: info@xado.com
Xado Technology GmbH
Nüßlerstr. 8, 13088 Berlin, Deutschland
Tel.: 08007777757
E-Mail: info@xado.de