XADO flushing oil engine / transmission flushing engine flushing
09:00 – 15:30
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09:00 – 15:30
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This product is for cleaning intended for flushing the oil systems of engines and transmissions and is usually used after using an engine cleaner (e.g. XADO Total Flush or Vita Flush).
Special flushing, dispersing, wear-inhibiting additives and EP additives* allow reliable engine flushing / transmission flushing in 30-40 minutes.
While the engine cleaner (XADO Total Flush / Vita Flush) cleans the oil system beforehand, this flushing oil only flushes the empty oil system completely once and removes the deposits loosened by the cleaner when the flushing oil is drained.
This flush is not an engine cleaner but collects and removes all dirt and deposits from the oil system.
Caution! Do not drive with the flushing oil!
PET bag 2 L, type 202В 20250_2
23 Serpnia Gasse, 4, 61103 Charkiw, Ukraine
Tel.: +38 (057) 717-55-55
E-Mail: info@xado.com
Xado Technology GmbH
Nüßlerstr. 8, 13088 Berlin, Deutschland
Tel.: 08007777757
E-Mail: info@xado.de