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Stains of tar penetrating the surface of the body from the asphalt layer can seriously damage the painted surface of the car. In summer, light petroleum fractions, which are part of bitumen, come into contact with the paint coating and penetrate into the enamel and paint layer. Metallic and mother-of-pearl paints as well as double-layer single-color paint are particularly damaged because the bitumen eats through the paint layer the fastest. Although fresh tar stains can be removed after just one wetting, the gradually hardening bitumen is not so easy to eliminate, one has to gradually dissolve the thick layer of bitumen with cleaner. In winter, the asphalt layer is severely damaged by spiked tires, which means that bitumen microparticles together with de-icing agents or special chemicals penetrate the surface of the body and form a layer of dirt that is difficult to remove or wash and has high adhesion to the paint layer.



VERYLUBE Teerfleckenentferner. Spray for removing tar stains


  • The effect of tar stains is significantly reduced if the body is protected by a layer of Verylube body polish (a product for maintaining painted body surfaces) and a protective layer of Red Penguin hot wax for the final treatment of bodywork during car cleaning.
  • After removing the tar stains, traces of the old removed dirt may remain, which appear grayish on dark-colored cars and yellowish on light-colored cars.
  • It is recommended to wash the car before stain removal in order not to damage the painted surface while removing tar stains.
  • Only fresh stains that have been on the surface for less than 24 hours are easily eliminated.
  • The old stains should be removed gradually, they should be eliminated layer by layer.
  • In order to speed up the process, you should not rub the surface with the rag too much, as this can damage the surface.
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