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Oil in the air filter

Main reasons:

  • Insignificant oil rash on the filter element of the air filter occurs as a result of complete clogging of the air filter or significant clogging of the crankcase ventilation: pipes, oil separator, oil separator strainer, crankcase ventilation valve.
  • Severe contamination of the air cleaner filter element and the presence of oil in the pipes and in the air cleaner housing pan are caused by the high pressure of crankcase emissions as a result of wear of the engine cylinder-piston group components.
Der verölte Luftfilter


  • Insignificant oil rash on the surface of the air filter indicates clogging of the lubrication system or complete clogging of the air filter cartridge.

    In the event of contamination, the filter insert of the air filter should be changed.

    In case of contamination of the lubrication system, it is recommended to add VitaFlush - oil system cleaner to the old oil before the planned oil change and to drive 700-1,000 km with it. After that, you can change the engine oil along with the oil filter. Using XADO VitaFlush with every oil change keeps the engine and crankcase ventilation clean.

  • In the case of severe oiling of the air filter and non-critical wear of components of the cylinder-piston group of the engine (diagnosed by engine diagnostics), it is recommended to carry out an unscheduled oil change with preliminary flushing of the lubrication system with XADO VitaFlush.

    After flushing the lubrication system with XADO VitaFlush and changing the oil, it is recommended to treat the engine with XADO Gel-Revitalizant® for engines to restore the worn components of the engine's cylinder-piston group.

    The recommended XADO Revitalizants for treating the lubrication system: XADO Gel-Revitalizant® (depending on engine type: for diesel and petrol engines) or XADO Revitalizant® EX 120 (depending on engine type: for diesel and petrol engines); XADO 1 stage; XADO АМС Maximum – metal conditioner with Revitalizant®.

  • If the heavy oiling of the air filter and the significant contamination of the crankcase ventilation are caused by critical wear or destruction of components of the cylinder-piston group of the engine (determined by engine diagnosis), the engine should be overhauled.
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